
For several years PhilStic Labels has been a Corporate Member of the Brewers’ Guild of New Zealand.

The Brewers Guild of New Zealand is the industry association for New Zealand brewing businesses.
It is the voice for a diverse range of breweries, and it helps to facilitate commercial success for its members.

PhilStic General Manager, Bart Mann says, “We choose to be members of the Brewers Guild of New Zealand because we want to stay informed about the key issues facing our customers. It’s important for us to be up to speed with the often-changing regulations around beer labelling, and to support our partners.”

Mike Thomas (PhilStic Labels) with Jo Buckland-Stevens and Melanie Kees (Brewers Guild of New Zealand)

PhilStic recently attended BrewNZ’23 annual conference and expo in Christchurch. After an enforced three-year break, owing to Covid, it was awesome to be amongst our customers and fellow Brewers’ Guild members again. Great to catch up with old friends.




APHANZ Annual Conference 2023